
Amazing Pathya-Apathya for Obesity Hacks

Pathya-Apathya for Obesity Treatment in Ayurveda

Obesity is a condition where a person has accumulated so much body fat that it might have a negative impact on his health. If a person’s body weight is even 20% higher than it should be, he or she is considered obese. There are many reasons why people become obese. It may be the intake of high caloric food, sedentary lifestyle, getting less sleep, defective lipid metabolism, smoking, use of certain medication, or presence of certain genes that make a person more vulnerable to obesity.


Pathyakarahar (Do’s) for Obesity Treatment

These are the things that are recommended in Ayurveda which help to reduce body weight. When consumed in proper proportions in the form of herbal remedies, these Ayurvedic things help to shed fat from your body.

  • Anna varga-PuranaShali(Old variety of Rice),Raktashali( Red variety of Rice)Shasthikashali(Rice harvested in 60 days),Yava(Barley),Chanaka(Chickpea) ,Kulatha(Horsegram)
  • Jalavarga-ShrutaSheetaJala(LukeWarm Water)PanchkolashrutaJala(Water with Panchakola)Shunti siddha jala ( Ginger Water)
  • Madhu(Honey)
  • Madyavarga-PuranaSidhu( Old Wine)
  • Mutravarga-Gomutra (Cow’s Urine)



  • Kanda varga-Lasuna(Garlic) ,Ardraka ( Wet Ginger ) ,Sunthi ( Dry Ginger)
  • Ksheeravarga- Takra ( Buttermilk)
  • Shakavarga- Patola(Bottlegourd) ,Karavellaka ( Bitter gourd) ,Varthaka (Brinjal)Nimbapatra(Neem leaves) ,Shigru ( Drum Stick)
  • Mamsavarga-JangalaMamsa (Forest meat)

Besides these, regular exercise, Yoga and pranayama have to be done regularly.

Light food intake is advisable.

An important fact is that most of the vegetables are good to reduce the formation of Kapha as well Ama, so it always consumed warm and along with some spices.

ApathyaAhara and Vihar (Don’ts) for Obesity Treatment

These are the things use of which are prohibited when you are overweight and want to go for an Ayurvedic weight loss regimen.


  • Anna varga- Navanna (New variety of Rice)Sreeharsha.
  • Masha (Black gram)
  • Taila Oil
  • Jalavarga-DushitaJala( Polluted water) SheetaJala ( Cold water)
  • Madyavarga-NutanaMadya(New Wine)
  • Kanda varga- Aluka (Potato)
  • Ksheeravarga–Dadhi( Curd),Ksheera (Apakva) Milk
  • Guda(Jaggery)
  • Mamsavarga-AnupaMamsa(Marshyland Animal meat)

Shun the habits like Diwaswap (Day sleeping), Ratrijagaran(Night waking), Aalasya (inactive or sedentary lifestyle).

Avoid Ahara having Guru Snigdha, Ati Drava, Picchila and AbhishyandiGunatmaka. Excess consumption of food is called as AthiMatraAharaSevana; it must be avoided.

Avoid drinking excessive water after consuming food as it slows down the process of digestion.

Consumption of dairy products, oily foods, salty and sour food articles should be limited.

Ayurvedic Weight Loss Program at Parijatak


Parijatak Ayurveda is one of the most renowned weight loss treatment centres based in Nagpur India and works upon its specially designed weight loss program efficiently. The experts have customised weight loss program with specially drafted diet plan and yoga schedules. One needs to follow the instructions of the doctors at Parijatak religiously if they want good results in obesity treatment. The herbal remedies formulated here are very effective and have been appreciated by many of the clients. Ayurveda helps you to lose weight gradually but in a proper way, without producing any side effects. Consult Parijatak’s experts to get your body back in form and get rid of the others disorders associated with obesity.

Ayurvedic Treatment

The Untold Secret To Mastering Ayurvedic Treatment for Obesity

Ayurvedic Treatment for Obesity

Obesity has become one of the fastest growing disorder of the decade. From children to adults, one in four individuals is obese. Obesity means that the body mass index (BMI) is more than 27. Excessive accumulation of fat in the body causes obesity. In a day we consume near about 1600-2000 calories and only 1000-1200 calories utilization done by yourself means near about 600-800 calories remain in the body. This leads to excess deposition of fat in the body and causes obesity.


Increased body fat put the person at risk of critical diseases like heart disorders, diabetes, kidney ailments, liver diseases, arthritis and much more.

Ayurvedic View of Obesity                     

Acharya Charak explained obesity in “Asthnidit Adhaya ”. It is known as Medoroga. It is called by aggravation of Kapha. Kapha is normal state provide nourishment to tissues through various microchannels, but when it is aggravated it leads to the production of toxins in the body. These toxins accumulate in channels and causing obstruction of channels.

In medoroga, the toxins accumulate in medovah strotas and leading to increased production of medadhatu. Hence, if you want to treat obesity its first step is the purification of Kapha dosha and 2nd step is cleansing and medovah strotas (fat channels) through medicines and panchakarmas.


Pacification of Kapha doshas done by “vaman”. Vaman means the elimination of doshas through vomiting. It is done by medicated decoction of madanphala and yastimadhu. After vaman 7 days of “Sansarjana Karma” means diet schedule followed by the patient which leads to the elimination of doshas and ulceration of agni means digestive power. Vaman also helps in cleansing of small channels.

After vaman virechan should be done. It is for pitta dosha but the doshas which remain in body even after vaman should be removed by virechan therapy. It also causes cleansing of medovah stroas.


vaman Panchakarma like vaman-virechana does not help in weight reduction it helps in “Reduction of fat”.

Fat reduction is more important than weight reduction. If you reduce fat then you can protect yourself from heart diseases, diabetes, arthritis, diabetes, and others.


Weight Loss Management                                         

Diet and Lifestyle: You need to follow a lifestyle as prescribed by the experts.

  • Avoid high carbohydrates like potato, polished, rice.
  • Increase intake of fruits and salads
  • Avoid oily and spicy foods drink of lukewarm water with lime
  • Use of powdered cum seeds, coriander leaves salt and ginger powder with outer milk should be recommended.


Yoga: Following that, specific yoga postures can give you good results in reducing body weight. They have to done under the supervision of yoga gurus initially.

  • Dhanurasana
  • Bhuyangasana
  • Ardhamasiendraysana
  • Trikonasana
  • Surya Namaskar


These yogas helps in losing extra fat. This is more effective if performed with Pranayam and kapalbharti. Brisk walk of 30 minutes in the morning helps in burning of excessive fat of the body.

Obesity treatment at Parijatak

weight-lossBeing obese has become a kind of unavoidable disorder that develops in us. By the time we realise the serious effects of being overweight, it quite late and we see many other ailments being brought in its trail. For those who cannot work upon any weight loss program (which more or less brings you back to obese condition once you stop the program), getting on to Ayurvedic program is the best solution.

Parijatak Ayurveda follows traditional methods of reducing the extra body weight which has no side effects on your body. Being one of the renowned Ayurvedic weight loss centres in India, it gives natural remedies in its specially designed weight loss programs. The experts take care of diet plan, medication, application of natural medicines, exercises, and even minor things that can bring change in your body weight. Trust Parijatak for Ayurvedic solutions and get a healthy life.


Ayurvedic Treatment

All About Parnayavani Herb


Botanical Name :Coleus amboinicus. Lour.


According To Modern

Kingdom –Plantae

Order –Lamiales

Family     – Lamiaceae

According To Ayurveda

Charak-     Not included in Varga

Sushruta-   Not included in Gana

Bhavprakash- Not included in Varga

Other Names :                              

Hindi name- Pattaajwayin, Amroda, Patherchur , pathercheer

English name- Country borage, Indian mint, Indian borage

Bengali name- Patharchoor, Paterchur,Amalkuchi

Gujarathi name- Ovapan

Kannada name- Doddapatre, Sambrani, Sambranisoppu

Malayalam name- Panikoorka

Marathi name- Pan ova

Tamil name- Karpooravalli, Kurpurvallai

Telugu name- Karuvacru, Sugandavallekam, Karpoorvalli

French name- Coleus d’Afrique , Plectrianthusaromatique

German name- Cubanischeroregano,JamaicanThymian

Japenese name- Koreusuamboinikusu , Kuuban oregano

Malay name- Daunkucing (Indonesia) , DaunKambing(Indonesia)

Russian name- Plektrantusaromatryi

Spanish name- Oregano

Vietnamese name- Tan day le

Mah- Pan-ova

Gujarathi name – Ovapana

Chinese name – ZuoShou Xiang

General Information :


Habit – perennial herb, shrubby  below. Branches – hispidly villous or tomentose. Stem – 30 to 90 cm long fleshy. Leaves – 2.5 to 5 cm long, petioled. Broadly ovate or cordate, crenate, fleshy and aromatic. Flowers – purplish coloured with short tube.

Properties (Gunadharma)

Rasa- Katu, tikta

Vipak- Katu

Virya- Ushna

Guna-Laghu, Ruksha, Tikshna

Specific Parts :


Doshaghnata :

Kapha- vatshamak.

 Shloka’s :

तीक्ष्णा पर्णयवान्युष्णा कटूतिक्ता रसे लघु:│

Benefits :

It should be used in aruchi, agnimandya, ajeerna, vishtambha, diseases of liver, udarashoola,atisara,grahani, vishuchika and in krimis by its ruchikara,deepaniya,pachaniya,vatanulomak,yakritottejak,grahi and krimighna in gunas.

Parnayavani juice is very effective for the treatment of vishuchika. It should be given in a dose of 12 ml. stat followed by 6 ml every hour for two doses. If no relief is obtained it should be repeated after 8 hours in the same manner.

 Swasa (Difficulty in breathing)

Parnayavani (Coleus amboinicus) leaves juice is given with honey in case of Swasa (Difficulty in breathing).

Udarasula (Pain abdomen)

parnayavani (Coleus amboinicus) leaves juice with sugar is given in case of Udarasula (Pain abdomen).

Dosage :

5 to 10 ml.


Research Corner :

A study is done to investigate protective effect of Coleus aromaticus leaf extract against naphthalene induced hepaleusaromaticus leaf extract against naphthalene induced hepatotoxicity in rats. Significant protective effect was observed against naphthalene induced liver damage damaged, which appeared evident from the response levels of marker enzymes (aspartate transaminase, alanine transaminase, acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase and lactate dehydrogenase).

Ayurvedic Treatment, Kerala Panchakarma

Kashya Dhara Ayurvedic Treatment


Is a very special Ayurveda treatment with a very ancient tradition over thousands of years, still gives relax and elimination to many physical problems Saranga Kashaya Dhara is basically a sedation therapy and the substances using or this treatment is herbal dicaction and it removes “ama” rom the body and ama is toxin and Sarvanga Kashaya Dhara helps to reduce the toxin contents in our body. It has everything that you would prefer from a better sedation therapy and it’s very effective and also reliable ensures relief.Sarvanga Kashaya Dhara is eliminating health problems and promotes at metabolism,removes tension from the muscle and also elevates pain and stiffness of the joints and muscles. Sarvanga Kashaya Dhara takes much relevance with Ayurveda sedation therapy and without this system o sedation Ayurveda has no completion and Sarvanga Kashaya Dhara is very prominent to protect the dominance of Ayurveda.Experience Ayurvedic detox in Nagpur

Therapy for stress, mental tension, insomnia, headaches etc.

A nonstop, continuous stream of herbal oils, medicated milk or butter milk and the decoctions are poured gently on the forehead/whole body in a special manner while you lie supine on a wooden bed with your neck and head placed in a comfortable position.

kashya dhara

The Ayurvedic treatment Dhara (which means ‘flow’) involves making herbal oils, medicated milk, medicated butter milk etc., flow over the forehead for about 45 minutes per day for 7 to 21 days. This treatment is mainly for insomnia, Vatha predominated diseases, mental tension and certain skin diseases.

Dashamoola Ksheera Dhara – Medicated milk is poured all over the body and head from a special vessel placed at a certain height in a rhythmic manner. This treatment is good for insomnia, mental tensions, headache due to Pitha dominance, menopause problems etc.This treatment is a kind of sudation therapy using herbal decoctions. In this process, the body is made to perspire by pouring a warm decoction from special herbs from a special vessel placed at a certain height. It is rubbed onto the body in a rhythmic manner. This method removes ‘ama’ or toxins from the tissues and promotes fat metabolism, removes tension from the muscles and is also good for pain and stiffness of the joints and muscles, fibromyalgia etc.